Entries from 2019-01-01 to 1 year

Cheatsheat for programming competition

IN JAPANESE https://www.qoosky.io/techs/5cd1a59497

Count a substring in a string

cin >> s; found = s.find("AB"); while(found != string::npos){ cnt++; found = s.find("AB", found+1); }

Sum of divisors of an integer (~sqrt(N))

int main() { long n; cin >> n; long result = 0; for (long i=2; i<=sqrt(n); i++) { if (n%i==0) { if (i==(n/i)) result += i; else result += (i + n/i); } } cout << result << endl; }

invalid instruction mnemonic 'movzb'

I encountered this error in trying to implement comparative operator in my compiler. The error was solved by replacing "movzb" with "movzx".

Generative Grammer

program: stmt program program: ε stmt: "return" assign ";" stmt: assign ";" assign: equality assign: equality "=" assign equality: relational equality: equality "==" relational equality: equality "!=" relational relational: add relational:…

Union-Find Tree


#include<vector> struct Unionfind { vector<int> par, rank, size; Unionfind(int n) : par(n), rank(n), size(n){ for(int i=0;i</int></vector>

Pagination on GAE python with webapp

I don't know how to deal with session with webapp. So I just add all past stacks as a string with delimiter /, and pass it to the template. test.py cursors = self.request.get('cursors') if cursors: list_cursors = cursors.split('/') query.w…

ifdef & ifndef in C++

link (in Japanese) ifndef

How to Find Google Calendar ID

Googleカレンダーで各カレンダーのカレンダーIDを知る方法 | スキコミ

pickle: save & load file

from pickle import dump # save with open('sample.pickle', mode='wb') as f: pickle.dump('Hello, World!', f) #load with open('sample.pickle', mode='rb') as f: pickle.load(f) Thanks to this blog (in Japanese) Python: オブジェクトを漬物 (Pickl…

OAuth2 Credentials Flow on GAE with google-auth

Since oauth2client library seems to be deprecated, OAuth2 credentials flow should be written with google-auth library recommended. from flask import redirect, session, url_for def credentials_to_dict(credentials): return { 'token': credent…

Configure crons for multiple services on Google App Engine

Run Oauth2 Flow inside API urlfetched or Cron Jobs

Swap variables without temporary variables

Normally, variables can be swapped with temporary variables. tmp = a a = b b = tmp In Python, with a tuple, a, b = b, a